The Effects of Using and Abusing Social Media

Brianna Flythe
2 min readJan 31, 2021

While making accounts to different social media platforms, society must think about the image that they’re trying to portray to the public eye. In this weeks class discussion, we talked about some of the sins of social media and what isn’t appropriate to post whenever you are representing a business or organization. The six sins include; misappropriation, abandonment, manipulation, ignorance, narcissism, and uniformity.

Former president Donald J. Trump is the public figure I found who most aligns with violating those sins. Donald Trump exemplifies manipulation, ignorance, and narcissism on Twitter during several different occasions. For example, whenever COVID-19 had first sparked, former president continuously kept calling it the “Chinese virus” since the first case ever was found in China. That was inappropriate to put online because it portrays racism to everyone who is Chinese and it is inconsiderate to harass an entire culture because of that reason. Around the time of the Black Lives Matter movements and protests, trump called the protesters thugs since most of them were black he went along with the stereotype that black people act like “animals”

Donald Trump also always glorified his own self in ways that came off as narcissistic, because in reality he was not “the smartest person who was ever in office” or a “genius”, but he never failed to give himself credit even if he was wrong.

In conclusion, all of these tweets were unethical to put on the internet, and in result of that Donald Trump got the consequences that were bound to happen. It is never appropriate to discriminate any race on social media, nor display ignorance if you are a leader. After the past election between him and Joesph Biden, Trump was tweeting misinformation for days about how the election was rigged. Due to these actions he is permanently suspended from twitter and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is part of the reason why he lost the election. His job was to represent America using his social media platforms but he ended up abusing his power and losing it.



Brianna Flythe

Student at West Virginia University